Quotes of Wisdom from the Masters of the Pyramids

“You can only repeat the truth, you cannot make more truth out of the truth” 

"You are much more than you think”

“Your mind field is like a mine field” 

“You are the greatness that lies beyond mind” 

“It is not very intelligent to see intelligence connected with logic” 

“Dark Force is strongly involved in bringing Souls who want to awaken back into their basic fears” 

"You could say the nature of Light is truth and the nature of Darkness is illusion” 

“The human experience without the overwhelming impact of Dark Force would be an experience in complete balance” “

“When teachings talk about eliminating Darkness they are Darkness” 

“The nature of trust is beyond any security” 

“When you transform Darkness you gain the deepest trust possible into your own Light and into Creator” 

“You can feel fear as dense, fearlessness is transparent” 

“The more you step out of the illusion of time, the more you close the door to fear” 

“The more you reach for the Light, the more you become aware of Darkness” 

“A mature being is a being who is aware of who and what it is” 

“Oneness is ever existing, Oneness is just for you to experience” 

“To come back to Unity you are the ones who create it, no one else can” 

“The nature of control is lost trust in the Being-All” 

“Your heart is your true brain” 

“Who listens feels – who only hears thinks” 

“To experience Yourself and Life in its essential form give yourself as much space as possible in silence” 

“Beginning and End are an illusion” 

“It is the greatest longing of Humankind to be once again connected to All”

“True knowledge is always connected with experience” 

“You are visitors on your planet” 

“You and Earth affect each other” 

“The conscious connection to Earth gives the body the security it needs” 

“To be whole means to be transparent” 

“You are immortal Light Beings as we are, we love to see you in this awareness” 

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