Meet Chris-Tian RA
during the 13th Japan Tour
September - December 2024

Hokkaido 20. September - 10. October
Kanagawa  19. October - 10. November
SHIMA/Mie 19. November - 3. December


 To make your booking and get direction please contact: 

Hajime & Akiko for SAPPORO & HAKODATE:  [email protected]

Marika for KANAGAWA & SHIMA:  [email protected]

Follow the Tour on Facebook

  O N E   T O   O N E   S E S S I O N S  


Chris-Tian RA channels the Spirit Guide MURAM. Receive clarity and direction on any life questions...

Muram’s Awareness is life changing. 'His' messages can bring deep insight and clarity to your life in those areas that are important for you.

'He' can see the root cause of any particular problem and advises practical tools to resolve it.

Fee: 1 hr. session Yen 25 000 - with interpretation Yen 30 000


In this session you can specifically ask about the needs of your body.
Muram will address any imbalances and how to resolve them in a natural way...

Fee: 1 hr. session Yen 25 000 - with interpretation Yen 30 000


Many people like to take the opportunity to receive the combined session. Muram’s insights in a Reading
and Chris-Tian RA’s Healing are the perfect combination...

Fee: 2 hr. session Yen 48 000 - with interpretation Yen 56 000.

Muram in his last incarnation
as an American Indian Shamen



Channeled Readings

Spiral Healings

About Muram




Feel balanced, harmonised and liberated by this gentle and effective Energy Healing.

Spiral Energy Healing is deep acting intuitive Energy work on the higher and lower bodies with the aim of recognizing and resolving energy blocks.
The self-healing energies will be activated and your overall life-flow increases.

Fee: 1 hr. session Yen 25 000 - with interpretation Yen 30 000


In this session you will find out in a Reading with Muram what might be blocking your Heart expression.
This can be a Fear, an old wound and/or just a limiting belief about yourself.


Chris-Tian RA then gives you the Healing to open the blockage and to liberate your heart from the restriction.

Fee: 90 min. session Yen 35 000 - with interpretation Yen 40 000


Find out in a 30 min. Reading with Muram which Past Life has still a strong influence on your Present Life.
The second part of the session will be a 1 hour Spiral Energy Healing, connecting and integrating the 'old' experience.

Fee: 90 min. session Yen 35 000 - with interpretation Yen 40 000


This session is directed to re-balance the brain, activate the cortex (the connection link) and energize the often dormant pineal gland (referred to by Chris-Tian RA as our FIRST EYE).

When the logical left brain and the intuitive right brain work in unison with each other a new sense of harmony is experienced.

Fee: 60 min. session Yen 25 000 - with interpretation Yen 30 000




Phobias are a wide spread phenomenon, affecting many people around the globe.

There is a vast variety of Phobias, for example to certain animals, people, height, water, fire, closed spaces and many more. Often the root of a Phobia lies in an unresolved past life experience, coming to the surface in similar present situations.

If you are dealing with a Phobia then this Healing can become the turning point. You will get insight and understanding in a detailed Reading with MURAM about the background of your Phobia.
Then you will receive the Spiral Healing session to liberate you from the restricting fear energy.

Fee: 90 min. session Yen 35 000 - with interpretation Yen 40 000



Channeled Readings

Spiral Healings

About Muram



      E V E N T S    

Journey into the Soul

Chris-Tian RA created this Seminar to enable you to experience the unlimited,
ever existing Soul that you are…

An unforgettable, life changing experience that can give you guidance and direction throughout your entire human life.

The nature of the Soul is bliss, joy, love, simplicity, peace and wisdom, qualities that are widely missed in the human experience.
In remembering and touching on the essence you are, all aspects in your human life come into perspective, enabling you to let go of illusions, limiting beliefs and conditioning so that the true purpose of your existence becomes clearer and clearer...

A main part in the Seminar will be the experience of the unique meditations given to Chris-Tian RA by Enlightened Beings (THE MASTERS OF THE PYRAMIDS) for your Awakening, accompanied by special music.
You will learn and share in an environment rich on Light, Joy and Laughter!


Sunday 6. October
11 am - 7 pm

Fee: Yen 28 000


Group Healing and Meditation

Participating in this lightful event will strengthen your Soul Awareness, allowing you to let go of old restrictions and limiting beliefs.
THE MEDITATIONS we use were given to Chris-Tian RA by Spirit and are a wonderful tool to reconnect with the ever existing Soul that you are.

In the following Group Healing you will receive SPIRAL ENERGY HEALING, a deep acting intuitive Energy work on the higher and lower bodies with the aim of recognising and resolving energy blocks.

The self-healing energies will be activated and your overall life-flow increases.


Saturday 2. November
1 pm - 5 pm
Fee: Yen 16 000

Meditation, Group Healing and Talk

THE MEDITATIONS we use were given to Chris-Tian RA by Spirit and are a wonderful tool to reconnect with the ever existing Soul that you are.

In the following Group Healing you will receive SPIRAL ENERGY HEALING, a deep acting intuitive Energy work on the higher and lower bodies with the aim of recognising and resolving energy blocks.

The self-healing energies will be activated and your overall life-flow increases.

After the Healing session Chris-Tian RA will answer any questions from the participants.

Saturday 30. November
3 pm - 6.30 pm

Fee: Yen 12 000




Chris-Tian RA explains one of the Meditations given to him by ‘The Masters of the Pyramids'.
This is an excerpt from the DVD 'Journey into the Soul', created during his Tokyo visit in 2006.

You will experience several of these special Meditations in the Events.

If you require Japanese translation
then Marika will be your excellent interpreter.



  Watch Photos from earlier Tours


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