A Fearless Heart web seminar

In times like these a strong connection to your Core Being, the ever-existing Soul that you are, is especially significant in order to stay centred, healthy and strong.

Heart and Soul energy are intertwined with each other; the less fear restrictions the heart carries, the more you become aware of your spiritual truth and also your physical body's immune system is strengthened.

During this Seminar you will experience two special Meditations designed to liberate and strengthen the connection between Heart and Soul.  MURAM, Chris-Tian RA's Spirit Guide, will support the process finding out which restriction is predominent
to let go. Each participant will receive Muram's insight.

The final part will be a  SPIRAL HEALING  session to release any restricting energies that still might be in your system.


The Seminar will happen on Sunday 14. February 2021
from 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm NZ time.

- You will meet on Skype, make sure that you have the latest update.
- To register email your Skype contact and a good quality photo of yours to      [email protected]

  Chris-Tian RA’s Skype is chris.tian.ra

- The Seminar is limited to 9 participants at a time.
- The fee is NZD 120 or USD 90 or Euro 90.
  You will receive Chris-Tian’s PayPal account to make your payment.



online Meditation Teacher Course 2022

Since 2005 Chris-Tian RA has been giving countless Seminars teaching the Meditations given to him
by the MASTERS OF THE PYRAMIDS, the 7th member of the council of Light.
About the Masters of the Pyramids

his spiritual guide MURAM gave him the message that it’s now time to offer this Teacher Course, enabling more people around the globe to come in touch with and benefit from the Meditations.

In these times of global upheavel the Art of Meditation has become even more significant.
Better mental, emotional and physical health are just some of the many benefits.

You will learn these Meditations

'Lifting the Veil of Oblivion'

'Connecting the Heart and the First Eye' (third eye)

'Connecting with the Being Earth'

'Lose the Fear of Death'

'Embrace Emptiness'

To join the course and become a certified Teacher
, which enables you to offer your own classes, no former Meditation experience is required. You will learn and practice as you go…
Besides becoming able to teach, you will have great benefit in your personal life by learning and using the Meditations.

Chris-Tian RA will meet you over Skype on 6 consecutive Sundays,
starting from 20th March at 4 pm New Zealand time.

Each teaching session will be between 2 and 2.5 hours,
experiencing one of the five Meditations at a time.

After each session you are required to practice the Meditation during the week and take notes about your experiences. You will share them in the next session with Chris-Tian RA and the participants.

Once you confirmed your participation you will receive the Book and CD ‘Awaken to your True Self' as your free learning tools.
Find both here, The-Spiral-Shop



After completion of the course each participant will be given a Certificate,
allowing them to give their own classes/courses
under the name of Chris-Tian RA.

Each certified teacher will be supported further to develop their own Seminars and Courses.

The 6 day course fee is USD 900 - NZD 1100 - Euro 850.

To state your interest in becoming a certified teacher and/or to ask any additional questions, go here, 



LETTING GO – Web-Seminar

LETTING GO – Web-Seminar

Sunday March 11th, 4 to 6 pm NZ time.

In his 2018 message, my guide MURAM pointed out the significance of letting go throughout this year.

Letting go of old patterns, mindsets, believes, behaviours and circumstances which don’t serve us anymore.

If you haven’t read it yet or would like to read the message again go here,


I decided now to offer this Seminar to support people in this process
towards more freedom and feeling liberated.

Before we meet over Skype on the day, reflect about what you really want to let go of.

Then in the Seminar you will ask Muram if this is the most significant letting go for you or if there is possibly something even deeper and more important. He also will give advice on what steps to take so that your letting go can fully take place. 

Once each participant has received Muram’s insight, I will give the group the guided “Letting Go Meditation.”

I also would like to stress that the experience in a group environment has the great advantage to learn from each other.


Just email me your interest by using this link and please make sure that you include your Skype contact.

Admission is USD 70

You will receive my PayPal link and once your payment has arrived, your participation is confirmed.

The Seminar is limited to 15 participants.

I am looking forward to supporting you in your Letting Go process!

AUCKLAND EVENT 20. - 24. May 2017

AUCKLAND EVENT 20. - 24. May 2017

(for English and Japanese speakers)

Channeled Readings - Spiral Healing - Men's Seminar


Please contact Marika at  [email protected]  
She will also be your excellent Japanese interpreter if required.

The Venue will be again
the wonderful Japanese B&B in Helensville,


Channeled Readings & Spiral Healing

Available Saturday 20. - Monday 22. - Tuesday 23. - Wednesday 24.

Receive clarity and direction in the Reading with Chris-Tian RA's Guide MURAM. Experience the deep Healing effect in a Spiral Healing session.
Many people like to take the opportunity to have the combined session. Muram’s insights and following Spiral Healing are the perfect combination.

Fees: 1 hour Reading $150 (with interpretation $200) - 1 hour Spiral Healing $150 (with interpretation $200) - Reading/Healing combined $280 (with interpretation $360).

More Info
Channeled Readings & Spiral Healings


Perfect Balance  
Sunday 21. * 1 pm - 7 pm * Admission $ 160  (with Japanese interpretation)


To master the Male-Female duality within is a challenge for everyone on this planet. We as the infinite Soul are not bound to gender, but in order to experience ones True Self (Soul) in this dimension a healthy, nurturing relationship between both aspects is fundamental.

Especially Men are often not in harmony with their male and female aspect, social and cultural conditioning can be major restrictions. Either the soft, gentle and flowing pure female vibration is suppressed or the goal orientated, active male aspect is not fully alive. Sometimes past life experiences that are not healed can also lead to dis-harmony…

We will work in this Seminar to find out and heal possible blockages, enabling you to experience a deep sense of wholeness and completion.

Special Meditations, Insights from MURAM (Chris-Tian RA's Guide) and Spiral Energy Healing are the tools we use towards Perfect Balance.

More Info
About Muram
Channeled Readings & Spiral Healings




April 2016 - Free Remote Group Healing session for people living in Kyushu.

April 2016 - Free Remote Group Healing session for people living in Kyushu.

I have been very shocked by the recent events, and I know from own experience what people are going through right now. In 2011 I have been in both major earthquakes in Christchurch. It took me several month to release the trauma completely.

The trauma after an event like this, if not treated, can become a major disturbance in ones life, physically, emotionally and mentally.

In order to help people in Kyushu to release the trauma I offer the Free Remote Group Healing on Saturday 30. April at 10 am Japan time.

The session will be for one hour, if possible just see that you can be in a quiet and relaxed state while receiving the Healing.

Everyone on Kyushu who wants to join is welcome, there is no limit. People who want to participate just need to email me a photo with their full name, that's all what's necessary.


Remote Spiral Healings

Auckland Event 13.-16. February 2016 (for English and Japanese speakers)

Auckland Event 13.-16. February 2016 (for English and Japanese speakers)

The Venue will be this wonderful Japanese B&B in Helensville -


MEDITATION & GROUP HEALING (with Japanese interpretation)

Saturday 13. February 2pm to 5 pm - Admission $ 80

Participating in this lightful event will strengthen your Soul Awareness, allowing you to let go of old restrictions and limiting beliefs.

THE MEDITATIONS we use were given to me by Spirit and are a wonderful tool to reconnect with the ever existing Soul that you are (see the 'Book page' and 'About the Masters of the Pyramids').

In the following Group Healing you will receive SPIRAL ENERGY HEALING, a deep acting intuitive Energy work on the higher and lower bodies with the aim of recognising and resolving energy blocks.

The self-healing energies will be activated and your overall life-flow increases.

ONE TO ONE SESSIONS - Channeled Readings & Spiral Healing

Sunday 14. - Tuesday 16. February

Fees: 1 hour Reading $140 (with interpretation $190) - 1 hour Spiral Healing $140 (with interpretation $190) - Reading/Healing combined $260 (with interpretation $340).

Receive clarity and direction in the Reading with my Guide MURAM. Many people like to take the opportunity to have the combined session. Muram’s insights and following Spiral Healing are the perfect combination... (see page Channeled Readings & Spiral Healing).


For your booking please contact my partner Marika at [email protected]
She will also be your excellent Japanese interpreter if required.

Channelled Readings & Spiral Healings


Saturday 14. November 2015
2 pm - 5 pm Admission $ 65

To participate call 04 478 2090 or email me through the contact link.

If you are based in the Wellington area or around by 'chance' you can experience this powerful and uplifting Healing.

First the Meditations will create an opening towards your spiritual truth. This will make you fully receptive for the Spiral Healing energy

I will then convey to the Group and also to each participant individually. Expect an transformative and exciting afternoon!

I am looking forward to meeting you on the day!


AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUE SELF - Journey into the Soul (NZ Workshop)

Sunday 30. November 2014

This wonderful, enlightening process can transform your life forever.

Join me to re-discover your True Self, the ever existing Soul that you are and learn how to take care of your spiritual truth so it can shine into the world!

Find out more by clicking the Workshop page.

When: Sunday 30. November 2014 - 11.00am to 6.30 pm
Where: Upper Hutt, Wellington
Admission: $ 165

For more Info and Bookings call 04-526 2167 or email by using the contact link.

Looking forward to meeting you on the day.


About the Masters of the Pyramids


REMOTE GROUP HEALING - 16. November 2014

A new opportunity for you to receive Spiral Healing in a Group session.

Many people from all parts of the world received this Healing remotely in One to One sessions so far,

please click here to find out about the many benefits and also more Info on Spiral Healing itself...

Remote Spiral Healings

I offer a 45 min. Remote Group Healing.

The session allows for 9 people to join.

This is also a chance to receive the Healing together with friends and/or family members!


- Send me a good quality photo of yours by email.

- During the session make sure that you just can relax and receive.

  • After the session at noon (NZ time) we will meet on Skype so you can share your experience and receive further guidance from me.
  • And of course you will also learn from the sharing of the other group members.

- The total fee per person will be NZD 80, AUD 80, USD 70 or Euro 60 only.


Just click on the contact link letting me know that you wish to participate and also your Skype contact.


Meet Chris-Tian RA in Brisbane on his second visit to Queensland, 15. - 30. May 2013.

Receive Clarity and Direction in a Channeled Reading with his Spirit Guide Muram.

Experience the gentle, powerful and effective Healing vibration in a Spiral Healing session.

Learn, grow and be inspired in the One Day Workshop.

Channelled Reading

Muram’s Awareness is life changing. His messages can bring deep insight and clarity to your life in those areas that are important for you.

He can see the root cause of any particular problem and advises practical tools to resolve it.

1 hr. session $165

Spiral Energy Healing

Chris-Tian RA developed this unique and very effective Healing over the course of many years, a deep acting intuitive Energy work. 

Chris-Tian RA will tune into the unique being that you are and will give you the Healing Energies you need at present.

Blockages on every level can be released so that pure life-force can flow unhindered again...

1 hr. session $165

Introduction Evening & Meditation

- Find out how to prepare and receive maximum benefits from your own Private Reading with Chris-Tian and his Guide in Spirit, Muram.
- Find out what a Spiral Healing session is, the benefits to you and how it works.
- Hear more about the one day Workshop 'Awaken To Your True Self' - Journey Into The Soul.

- Get to meet and chat with Chris-Tian and Natasha personally.

- PLUS, on the night, Chris-Tian will be offering one of the unique meditation experiences, given to him by Spirit, the 'Masters of the Pyramids'.

Wednesday 15. May 6pm - 8pm, Admission by Donation.

Venue at 30 Luxworth St. Mooroka/Brisbane.

“AWAKEN TO YOUR TRUE SELF - Journey into the Soul”  Seminar

 In remembering and touching on the essence you are, all aspects in your human experience come into perspective, enabling you to let go of illusions, limiting beliefs and conditioning so that the true purpose of your existence becomes clearer and clearer...

Be invited to experience empowerment and the freedom to choose the life you truly want to live!

Sunday 26. May 10am - 6pm Admission $230
This event is limited to 12 participants only... be quick to make your booking!


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